FoundryVTT: Players View and Controls

FounderyVTT is a Virtual Table Top program for playing role playing games digitally, either in person or online.
Token & Actor Movement
Game Controls. Some general actions players can do to manipulate the tokens they control (GM marks player(s) as Owner) on the playing canvas.
Mouse Controls
Select Object/Actor Left Click
Add or Remove Selected Objects Shift + Left Click
Use Active Tool Left Click + Drag
Cancel Left-Drag Operation Right-Click
Pan Canvas Right-Click + Drag
Zoom Canvas Mouse-Wheel
Target Actors Double Right-Click
Open Referenced Object Sheet [character sheet] Double Left Click or Type C
Display Object HUD (If Applicable) Right-Click
Target Objects [Actors] Double Right-Click
Move Controlled Objects Left Click + Drag + Drop
Bypass Snap-to-Grid Drag + Shift + Drop
Cancel Drag Workflow Right-Click during Drag
Rotate Object (Slow) Ctrl + Mouse-Wheel
Rotate Object (Fast) Shift + Mouse-Wheel
Keyboard Controls
Highlight Canvas Objects Alt
Cycle Tokens or Reset View Tab
Pan Canvas Ctrl + ↑ ↓ ← →
Zoom In Page Up or Numpad +
Zoom Out Page Down or Numpad –
Keyboard Movement (Tokens) W A S D or ↑ ↓ ← →
Diagonal Movement W + D or ↑ + →
Face Direction Shift + W A S D or Shift + ↑ ↓ ← →
Delete Selected Objects Delete
Ruler Measurement
Measure Distance with Ruler Ctrl + Left-Click Drag
Place Measurement Waypoint Ctrl + Left Click
Move Token on Measured Path Space while measuring from a Token
Token/Object HUD

^ = token height, indicating flight or token is elevated compared to the scene.
Target symbol = allows player to target themselves.
Assign Status Effects = player can assign their own status effects (these can change depending on modules)
Combat State = toggled by GM. Adds Token to Combat Tracker.
Green bar with numbers below (dependent) = (dependent on GM setting token resources Bar 1 Attribute
to attributes.hp
) Shows current Hit Points and allows players/DM to change HP by left clicking into the space and typing either remaining HP or -# for dmg, +# for healing.
Module Additions for Players
Adds a HUD button to toggle light of a specific radius [radius area GM controlled]

Canvas Layer Controls

Token Layer
Select Tokens
Select Targets
Measure Distance
Measurement Controls
Circle Template
Cone Template
Rectangle Template
Ray Template
Map Notes
Select Notes
Toggle Notes Display: notes appear on the canvas when permissions are assigned to players [default setting for players is hidden].
Sidebar Tabs

There are a number of Sidebar Tabs, I will focus only on those accessible by players.
Chat Log: The majority of game information will be here. The only tab that will not PopOut when Right-Clicked.
Combat Tracker: Initiative tracker and where players & DM roll for initiative.
Actors Directory: Where players access their characters [Owned Actors]. They can see information about other characters [Actors], depending on permission levels:Limited
permission = see Actors Avatar and Token art and Biography.Observer
permission = View Actors entire character sheet
Items Directory: Items the player has access to view or add to their character(s).
Journal Entries: Journals accessible by players pertaining to rules, the story, adventure information, etc. I commonly give players a folder for Player Notes: Loot, Notes, Personal Notes [permissions dependent].
Rollable Tables: If the DM gives access to rollable tables they will be found here [card decks, etc.].
Audio Playlist: Audio controls. The GM will control what’s playing, but from here, players can adjust volumes of background music (Playlists), Ambient [environmental] noise, and entire interface volume.
Compendium Packs: Players can view Compendiums setup and used by the System [D&D5e SRD content] and any additional packs the GM has added from Modules. Players are not able to add content directly to the game but they can add items directly to the character sheets the player Owns.
Game Settings: The Client and World Settings. Players can configure their Language, configure Audio, drop the Framerate, and Toggle Shaddows to change their performance.
Collapse or Expand: changes view of Sidebar Tabs to show more Canvas.
Modules for Quality of Life
These are modules I use to enhance the players experience within FoundryVTT. I have many others to enhance the DM usability that I will showcase in other articles.
Chat Portrait
Displays the Actor’s portrait on the Chat Message.

Dice Tray
Adds a dice tray below the chat message area and turns the d20 icon near the chat prompt into a clickable link that opens up a new dice calculator dialog. The dice calculator includes buttons for dice, numbers, attributes for the selected token, and simple math.

Dice So Nice!
Adds the ability to show a nice 3D dice simulation when a roll is made.
Adds the ability to ping on the map to highlight points of interest. Default is Left Click to ping, Shift + Left Click to move everyone’s screen to your ping.
Pop out Actor sheets and Journal entries into their own windows for easier viewing.
Shows a minimap showing only players explored areas.
Token Action HUD
Populates a floating HUD, showing common actions for a controllable token: Items Spells, Abilities, Skills, etc.
Turn Marker
Adds an image under a token who is currently active in the combat tracker.
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