D&D Adventurers League DM Rewards by Season
[Edit] Season 9: Baulder’s Gate
Season 9 DDAL DM’s Guide
DM’s earn Checkpoints (ACP & TCP) at the same rate as their players (1 per hour). With the following exceptions:
- DM’s don’t earn magic item unlocks or special rewards (story wards, DT activities, etc.)
- Treasure Check Points (TCP) are of the same tier of the event run.
- DM’s earn the maximum amount of gp for the tier, treating each ACP as an hour of play.

[Edit] Season 8: Waterdeep
Dragon Heist & Dungeon of the Mad Mage
No more XP for DDAL Adventures
Adventurers League Magic Item Lists (A-C)
Going forward the DM gets as much Advancement Check Points (ACP) and Treasure Check Points (TCP) as the players: 1 ACP & TCP per hour played.
The DM gets the same amount of downtime as players would receive at the end of an adventure: 5 downtime for every 2 hours played. So 10 Downtime in this example.
Season 7: Tomb of Annihilation (ToA) – DM Rewards
ToA AL DM’s Guide reprints the same information and tables as Season 6.
DM just needs to determine the average level of the party, and track the number of hours they DM.
Example. 4 player characters of level 8 make the average party lvl 8. DM for 4 hours:
375 times 4hrs: 1500XP
divide by 2: 750gp
The DM gets the same amount of downtime as players would receive at the end of an adventure: 5 downtime for every 2 hours played. So 10 DT in this example.
Season 6: Tails from the Yawning Portal (YP) – DM Rewards
Experience Points (XP): Season 6 keeps the same XP theme but changes to XP being rewarded for every hour of play, instead of every 2 hours of play.
Downtime (DT): rewards for both D&D Adventurers League adventures and the hardcover adventures is 5 days for every 2 hours of play.
Treasure (gp): the Dungeon Master receives a number of gold pieces equal to half the XP earned for each session, whether running a D&D Adventurers League adventure or a hardcover adventure.

They then changed it to awarding for every hour of play in the following season 5. Here’s a list of DM rewards by season
Season 5: A Storm Kings Thunder (SKT) – DM Rewards
The DM’s rewards chart is reprinted in “A Storm Kings Thunder AL DM’s Guide”, duplicating the rewards from Season 4.

Season 4: Curse of Strahd (CoS) – DM Rewards
It wasn’t until Season 4’s Curse of Strahd AL DM’s Guide (Page 9-10) that Adventures League really standardized Dungeon Master Rewards (DM rewards) for all materials, based on Tier of play and awarded every 2 hours of playtime. The actual time it takes to play, not the estimated most adventures tell you. Who are these people who can get through Sunless Citadel in 2 hours??
All D&D Adventurers League adventures award the DM by the target level of the adventure. These rewards are around 25 percent of the maximum XP for players, with a minimum for the lower-level adventures.

Experience Points (XP): DMs running hardcover adventures receive XP for every session, calculated in two-hour blocks according to the average party level for the session.
Downtime (DT): rewards for both D&D Adventurers League adventures and the hardcover adventures is 5 days for every 2 hours of play.
Treasure (gp): the Dungeon Master receives a number of gold pieces equal to half the XP earned for each session, whether running a D&D Adventurers League adventure or a hardcover adventure.
DM Quests: these are out-of-game items DM’s can try and get, commonly by running certain series of additional adventures and\or posting related materials on your social media using specific hashtags.
This new Dungeon Master reward structure is not retroactive to adventures from story-line seasons before Curse of Strahd (season 4).
Season 3: Rage of Demons (OotA) – DM Rewards
There was no DM’s Guide for season 3. Everything is in the Rage of Demons Player’s Guide (page 13), which is just a reprinting of Season 2.

Season 2: Elemental Evil (PotA) – DM Rewards
Hard Covers (HC): The DM receives 300 XP and 150 gp times the tier of play (300 XP / 150 gp for levels 1–4, 600 XP / 300 gp for levels 5–10, 900 XP / 450 gp for levels 11–16, and 1,200 XP / 600 gp for levels 17–20) and 10 downtime days for each episode completed.
D&D Expeditions: Consult each adventure for the rewards earned.
Season 1: Tyranny of Dragons (HotDQ & RoT)- DM Rewards
300 XP for each of the first 4 episodes, and 600 XP for each episode thereafter. You also earn 10 downtime days per episode.
D&D Expeditions: Consult each adventure for the rewards earned.
For season 1, EP2, the reward is 300 XP for each session, is it true?
You use the Season 7 advancement. Any change re-con’s previous DDAL rules.