Monsters of Mystery
To keep encounters interesting its best to keep monsters mysterious by not just calling them by their Monster Manual name. Example: “Muscular barbaric looking humanoids approach you with malice. You...
Tips, tricks, and rules for Dungeon Masters or Game Masters for RPG’s
To keep encounters interesting its best to keep monsters mysterious by not just calling them by their Monster Manual name. Example: “Muscular barbaric looking humanoids approach you with malice. You...
From the Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG) for 5th Edition page 288. Spell Slots are converted to Spell Points, allowing for more flexible casting, as the spellcaster can...
Various 3rd party DnD systems using that used the SRD and added to the DnD5e system
In the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD5e), as well as Pathfinder 1st & 2nd Edition, the “Wild Shape” ability of a druid allows them to transform into a...
The DnD5e optional rule of flanking from the DMG the alternatives
Is your DnD combat slow, repetitive, or not progressing your story? Let’s fix that!
Zrné “the Barbed One” Something that stalks you in the forest and offers a long, slow, and suffering demise. #EPT #Tekumel #DnD #FoundryVTT
Want to make a better character to play? How about being a better GM?
Your RPG game could have any number of settings, but what level of gameplay is the story at?
Sex and Sexuality in Games is commonly ignored – which I think if commonly for the best.