D&D Apps: Applications for Dungeon Masters
rom the creation and crafting of an adventuring world, to creating and running a 4 hour game, here are a few applications used to get things done.
Rules for Dungeons and Dragons Adventures League
rom the creation and crafting of an adventuring world, to creating and running a 4 hour game, here are a few applications used to get things done.
There are a few applications out there that allow for more mobility and ease for Players. Here are some common applications I use, or have come across: Fight Club 5th...
DnD5e Season 8 Renown Benefits – changes in Adventures League (DDAL\AVL\AL)
Want to know what’s in the Eberron PDF? Here’s a quick run down.
With the recent announcements of 2 new hardcover story arcs, both in (below) the city of Waterdeep. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Due out on September 20, 2018. Code named ‘Broadway’ this...