Tagged: Tékumel
Tékumel: The Empire of the Petal Throne, EPT. A fantasy world made by M.A.R. Barker and first published in 1975 by TSR, Inc.
FoundryVTT: For Best Results… (v.9)
Mitigating and troubleshooting performance issues within FoundryVTT
EPT – Human Space Empire Training Facility: aka Alpha Complex!
Alpha Complex is the Human Space Empire Training Facility from before The Time of Darkness! EPT
Review: Curse of the Crimson Throne
Pathfinder, I’ve never been a fan of the system as it takes a lot to make a character – and then you realize once done and you’re playing that you...
Vad’s House Rules
From playing at my table, to expectations of skills and changes to feats. Tweaks to class features to allow some more freedom – these are my table rules for D&D5e (EPT5e)
Tales from The Legion of the All-Consuming Flame 3
Tales from The Legion of the All-Consuming Flame 1 [March 30, 2018] Tales from The Legion of the All-Consuming Flame 2 [April 13, 2018] The following is just my campaign...