D&D Apps: Applications for Dungeon Masters
From the creation and crafting of an adventuring world, to creating and running a 4 hour game, here are a few applications used to get things done.
Overview: This app is available as a website (Trello.com ), Android, and Apple iOS apps. And your content syncs between all your signed in devices.
I use Trello to:
- Develop content for this website
- Research and develop of world ideas and information for the main campaign world I DM in (Tékumel)
- Develop Adventure ideas including story, NPC’s, adversaries, encounters, and rewards
- Make notes on adventures
Google Drive
Google Drive is invaluable as a resource. Storing adventures that I can then review across multiple platforms, creating adventure and story content, etc. AND I can add any links to Trello as well.
Game Master 5th Edition
Available for Android and iOS
This application is from the makers of Fight Club 5th Edition. The electronic character sheet.
This app actually has a lot of abilities but because all data is local only and have to export any data, save to something like Google Drive and then Import into another device, I mainly use this for the compendium of monsters when I haven’t added them to Trello. It also has auto-dice rollers for Initiative, attack, and damage rolls.
DM Screen – 5eTools
Overview: I just recently discovered 5eTools – DM Screen. It’s just a website so any browser can access it. The key features are the modular design that allow you to customize what you need to be seeing. I have mine set as suck: far left with initiative tracker, and dice roller bellow, then right of that is a Google Doc of player information (for the online games I play) and next to that is a campaign document. The only thing that would make this better is being able to embed Trello (tested – connection refused).
Key Features: Initiative tracker – track the initiative, HP, and conditions of everyone. Also allows you to add monsters from they sites Monster Manual listing, which then calls up the monsters stats and abilities by mousing over the creatures name. Then the ability to embed other sites into the screen is an added bonus.
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