Upcoming: New D&D5e Campaign Setting 2018!

Nathan Stewart (D&D’s Brand Director and Executive Producer) at the Stream of Many Eyes, revealed that they have more surprises for 2018.

After revealing that 2 of the 3 books left on the 2018 forecast will be based on Waterdeep. The first being Tier 1 adventures but also showcasing Waterdeep as a city, and also how City adventures can be run. The other book is the mega-dungeon below Waterdeep – Undermountain with 27 levels plus information on creating additional levels. Likely some random tables as well as when doesn’t an Undermountain books have random dungeon creation!

Now they revealed that there’s not just one, but 2 books that will come out in 2018! And further – they are both likely to be new setting books! They didn’t let us know which settings but they are listening to fans and have done polls asking questions about what settings fans would like to see, the main ones being: Eberron, Dark Sun, and Planescape.

Dark Sun, and to a lesser extent Eberron need a solid Psionics system in order to fit their themes. My guess is that they’ll do Planescape – especially after seeing the contents of  Mordenkainen’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if they released Planescape and\or Spelljammer. Spelljammer is rightly considered a lower tier of interest as you either love or hate the setting. If\when they do re-release Spelljammer, I sincerely hope they revise many of the concepts and ideas, making a more magical sci-fi setting than what the past has had.

Some reasons Spelljammer may be revealed – Mordenkainen’s has many foes from the Spelljammer setting, and its been revealed that Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage will have a Spelljammer helm.

They have also revealed that the Setting book will be introductions to worlds of the multiverse versus full storylines. Current examples are Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide with descriptions of the area and notable personalities similar to how Berovia is set in Curse of Strahd. So Spelljammer or Planescape, as both give access to the Multiverse.

Announcements of the books will be in July – with a hint of one of these books becoming available this summer!

Nathan Stewart

“We have two surprises that I think hardcore D&D fans are really going to love coming this summer, and then I think we got one surprise that’s going to release later this year that we’ve not told anyone about. We’re going to announce it in July.”

“We have two surprises that I think hardcore D&D fans are really going to love coming this summer,” Stewart said. “And then I think we got one surprise that’s going to release later this year that we’ve not told anyone about. We’re going to announce it in July.”

[Edit 2018/07/18] Confirmed Spelljammer is the new campaign setting to be released later in 2018.

Edit 2018/07/27 Spelljammer was a mislead unfortunately. 2 new settings released

Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron


Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica


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