Category: Tékumel
Monster: Chimera Spider
There was a 100-million-year-old Arachnid discovered in Southeast Asia. They named this Arachnid the ‘Chimera Spider’. Full Article Chimera Spider Large beast, unaligned Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 52 (7d10+14) Speed...
Fighter Archetype: The Legionnaire
Wanting to create a fighter archetype that had a little of the feeling of military groups within Tekumél. The main thing I though was the ability to Assist your group...
Tales from The Legion of the All-Consuming Flame 2
Tales from The Legion of the All-Consuming Flame 1 [March 30, 2018] With the fire of Vimúhla in their hearts, and in their feet, Su’umél Lo’darth hiDavíd and Kuruthúni Zavuco...
Tales from The Legion of the All-Consuming Flame
A newly trained cohort out of Hekellu travels across the Desert of Sighs, hassled Milumanayá nomads, to Sunáya. There to reinforce the Legion of the All-Consuming Flame’s siege, as the...
Tekumel – First Times
I was first introduced to Tekumel: The Empire of the Petal Throne [], back in the late 1990’s. I was in college working on a Fine Arts degree and had...
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