D&D Apps: Applications for Players
There are a few applications out there that allow for more mobility and ease for Players. Here are some common applications I use, or have come across:
Fight Club 5th Edition

System: Android Play store, Apple App store
Free version: one character, and advertising
Paid version ($3.89): Unlimited Characters, no advertising.
SRD: The app comes loaded with D&D5e System Reference Document (SRD)
Any other content will need to be Imported in (CSV files) or custom created.
You can get an Android emulator running on PC and import\export content as needed.
Import\Export: Of characters and custom content into CSV files.
Dice Rollers: Each section and portion has dice rollers built into it. So your weapons and spells have Attack values setup the reference the appropriate stat when rolling. Spell damage needs to be adjusted depending on the spell level you cast it at, as everything is set to the lowest level you can cast the spell.
Review: I’ve like this program for a long time. I’ve install all the additional content as I own and use spells from Elemental Evil Player’s Companion, and Xanathar’s. I have moved all my characters to this digital format – and should do a backup… I still have paper copies of the characters, but many of them are now out of date.
Main reason: I always have my phone, I don’t always remember my character(s) or dice.
D&D Beyond

Not an application but if you have good wifi. THIS IS NOT OWNED by Wizards of the Coast OR D&D. It is just another re-seller for purchasing D&D products.
System: Any browse: dndbeyond.com
Free Version: SRD content and ability to create and store characters.
Paid version: Cost of each book again – but after you can then reference any books you own on the platform.
Overview: As a DM owning stuff on dndbeyond.com, you can invite players to be part of your campaign which gives the players access to whichever books the DM owns for creating their characters.
Adventurer’s League Log

This site is not affiliated with Adventure’s League. But it’s very handy.
System: Any browser: https://www.adventurersleaguelog.com/
Free Version: Full access to everything.
Overview: Create your character, put some basic info and perhaps a picture, and then add log information as you need it. You can input information in classic (XP & GP) or modern Adventures League (DDAL). You can even include links to an online character sheet (dndbeyond.com, Google Drive, etc.).

Google Drive

System: Any browse: https://drive.google.com/
Free Version: Full access to everything.
Overview: I created a character record using Google Sheets (Excel), I have separate tabs for each character, plus a leveling and DMs so I can see what’s need to level and have all the DM’s DCI and other info in one space.

There’s a lot more I could do with the Google Sheet then what I’ve done, which is just to have columns sum at the top, as I could have it call on the DM’s list from other sections, or even reference adventures from another Google Sheet I started to keep track of Adventures (created for the DM’s locally – similar to the DDAL Catalogue but with estimated run-time, story background, and rewards and magic unlocks.
Fast Characters

This is a site dedicated to generating characters based on whatever information you want to control.
Characters Name, Race, Class, Gender, Alignment, Background, and even level. It then spits out the results in your choice of Display format: Color Character Sheet, Greyscale Character Sheet, Text Only.
Great for quickly creating a character – or for the DM, creating NPC’s on the fly.
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