DnD5e Grappling (2014 & 2024)

D&D5e 2014 Grappling

You grab a target, and the grappled creature can’t move.

The Grapple action can be performed in place of one of the Attacks on your turn. For example, a Cleric could only grapple once per round. A 5th level Fighter (who has Extra Attacks) can try to grapple someone up to twice. With Action Surge, they can grapple even more, replacing all their attacks with grapples.

To grapple someone, you need just an empty hand. A Fighter can drop their shield to the ground as a free action. They can then grapple someone with their free hand while holding onto their sword in the other hand.

When you grapple someone, an Opposed Check happens. The grappler rolls Strength (Athletics) instead of an attack roll. The person getting grappled rolls either Strength (Athletics) if they want to break free. Alternatively, they can roll Dexterity (Acrobatics) if they want to slither out.

If the target rolls higher than the grappler – the grapple fails and nothing happens.

If the grappler rolls higher than the target – the target gets the Grappled Condition. All it does is reduce the speed of the grappled creature to 0 ft. That’s it. Nothing else. Simply means it can’t move on its own.

When you have a creature grappled – you can drag it with you. When you’re dragging someone – your speed is halved. A Fighter with 30 feet of speed that is grappling a bandit can only move 15 feet. They’d drag the bandit with him.

The grappled target can use its action to break free of the grapple. The Opposed Check happens again, the grappler’s Strength (Athletics) vs the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics). If the target rolls higher than the grappler – it is free. If not, it is still grappled.

Grappler Feat (2014)

Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher

You’ve developed the skills necessary to hold your own in close-quarters grappling. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling.
  • You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends.

D&D5e 2024 Grappling

You make an Unarmed Strike against an opponents AC, On a hit you can deal 1+STR mod damage, shove an opponent 5 ft. or knock them prone (no save), or grapple them (no initial save) as long as the target is at no more than one size larger than you.

The Grappled Condition still reduces the targets speed to 0 ft. and also imposes all attack rolls made against any target that’s not the grappler with disadvantage.

The target can try and escape the grapple on their turn by using their action by making a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, the DC being the 8 + the attackers Strength + Proficiency bonus.

The Grappler can drag the Target, but suffers the Slowed condition while moving, unless the target is tiny or two sizes smaller.

Slowed Condition: While slowed your movement if 2 ft. of movement per foot you move, attacks against you have advantage, and you have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.

Grappler Feat (2024)

Grappler is now a “half feat” that gets +1 to Strength or Dexterity. You can no longer pin a Grappled target as part of the Grappler feat. You still have Advantage on attack rolls made against a target grappled by you. You can try to damage and grapple a target as part of the same Unarmed Strike attack. You no longer have your speed halved when moving a creature you’re grappling.

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